Shed safe from the bulldozers

Chris Egan  |  Wednesday 28th June 2006

The iconic fabric of Members Equity Stadium seems to be safe, the construction of Members Equity Stadium now no longer sees the shed as one of the first area's on the bulldozer blocks. Its only risk would be if the stadium was redeveloped to 32,000 according to CEO of the Town of Vincent John Giorgi.


Mr Giorgi explained the present redevelopment stages that are planned for the ground to in which the Shed area seems safe unless demand warrants its destruction.  


"Stage 2 is the Eastern Stand Redevelopment, Stage 3 is the development of the areas north and south of the Fred D Book Stand, Stage 4 is the southern stand and Stage 5 is the Shed area".


However Giorgi explains that he would see it unlikely to be demolished if the current thinking within government ranks was the same.


"The Shed is the last thing to go, if it goes to 32,000 it will have to go...I personally doubt Members Equity will end up getting to 32,000"


"The redevelopment will begin at the northern end, the Gareth Naven room will be the first to go...the area to the north of the Fred D Book Stand"


While the Fred D Book Stand's replacement costs of 6-7 million dollars means it seems safe from being demolished.


"I doubt highly whether anyone would be prepared to pay for the has a 6-7 million dollar replacement costs".


"In an ideal situation, we would chop some of the trees, and demolish the stand...if money was unlimited we would certainly look at the situation...there are two other examples at Leederville Oval and Lathlain Park".

Although Giorgi made it clear that in the end, as it was put on the Register of the State Heritage list, it was indeed out of their control on whether the stand was demolished or not and an application would need to be forwarded to the Heritage Council.

HBF Park

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